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Среда, 2025-Фев-05, 13.06.18
Главная » 2012 » Май » 5 » Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 78
Alexander Linen. Dedicated enemy 78
-- You wait little, presently physician will leave, he you all will in detail tell...
-- Physician? -- not immediately дошло before Belova. -- So he reaped?!
-- Well certainly... -- nurse softly, ободрительно smiled and noded Belovu for spinu. -- But here is, apropos, and doctor.
To Belovu has flown up to the gangling библиотека ruffled lad in коротковатом, obviously not on growing, white robe.
-- You on cause Holmogorova? -- tongue twister зачастил on. -- Know, your friend not that in shirt -- in coat was born. From his(its) machines, speak, one tatter remained, but beside it whole-that three fractures...
-- Here is once-milked-бай! -- Linen run in широченной to smile and with the whole stroke has sloshed the palm on rack of the registry -- so that girl for glass vzdrognula. -- But presently-that he where?
-- His(its) father has home withdrewed. I, certainly, objected, -- has scattered the hand a physician, -- on idea, him permanent establishment needs...
-- What permanent establishment, dock! -- Sasha burst out laughing and slammed the lad on shoulder.
-- On him prison плачет! You in general повезло that he here you all not перестрелял! Thank you you, thank you!
Once again having slammed physician on bony shoulder, Sasha steeply turned round and заторопился to output. In door he for second stopped, pulled out from beneath gates of the shirt нательный крестик and has quickly pressed him(it) to lip. The Gangling doctor exchanged glances with nurse and has turned long and fine finger beside temple.


Just when White went home to its mutilated friend, Kaverin with Petrovichem hurried on plane.
They fell into aeroport through service entrance -- so was closer from machine -- and now strode on started balcony, sprawlled along the whole building.
The First went gloomy Kaverin, for him, with two road bags in hand, tripped his(its) всегдашний assistant.
The announcement донеслось Because of glass wall:
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